'I like to take my time creating each piece to allow ideas and possibilities to reveal themselves.'  
I wrote this when describing my work habits and 'A Game of Loss'  is an example of this process.  
It's a variation of  'encircle - 231022.4' - reformatted from 9:16  to a square,  represented in design and colour.
I used a minimal palette because of the complexity of the design and took my time  developing it - with no particular goal in mind. 
However,  as the board like grid became more dominant in the design it inspired thoughts which led me by word association   to think about 'embattled', 'bloodshed' then  to the final title which seemed to express  my own philosophy that all war is pointless,  a game for the elite at the expense of humankind  - the pawns - 'the most numerous and weakest piece in the game of chess'.  Perhaps the patterning could be likened to those pawns.    
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